Главная » 2017 » Май » 31 » Переводчики / Interpreters
Переводчики / Interpreters

       Синхронный перевод / Simultaneous translation                                                         Foreign visitors can use the services of an interpreter in English.

Dear guests of our unique city Ivanova! For you!   The best guides in Ivanovo! We conduct excursions for individual tourists and individuals at any time convenient for you. Our GUIDES will conduct a city tour "The Secrets of the Calico Kings", tell you about the history of the city of Ivanov, the fate of the Ivanovo patrons, manufacturers and weavers, you will see the mansions and palaces of the Ivanovo calico kings. Our guides will travel with you throughout the Ivanovo region! You will see the most ancient cities and settlements, get acquainted with the places of the beginning of the formation of ancient Russia, Russian folk art, icon painting, holy springs and ancient monasteries and temples.

Прикрепления: Картинка 1
Просмотров: 512 | Добавил: batgalim | Теги: Personal guide in Ivanovo, персональный экскурсовод в Иванове | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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